Security at the Saudi-Bahrain causeway border crossing has been enhanced following the installation of a new CCTV system by Norbain's Middle Eastern distributor, the Yusif Bin Yusif Fakhro Company. All traffic entering Bahrain is now recorded with the tapes viewed by the Traffic and Immigration Directorate of Bahrain on a daily basis. YBYF has received praise from Bahrain's Ministry of Interior for the successful completion of the installation.

Nine Vista VPCMX high-resolution day/night cameras, housed in VCMH Vista housings are positioned at a height of 1 m from the road, directly facing the oncoming traffic. As the traffic slows to the border, the cameras capture the image of the vehicle and specifically its number plate. Each camera is connected to a Vista Generation 3 multiplexer (GCD16GT), VCR (VVR-27HRSe ) for 24-hour recording, and to a 15-inch LCD monitor for continuous monitoring. A Vista fixed dome (VFD4V9C) completes the installation. The project specification emphasised the importance of ensuring that the cameras could capture the Arabic car number plates day and night, despite the glare of full headlights and the extremes in temperature experienced by the location.

Installation was undertaken during limited specified hours without obstructing the traffic flow or affecting the operational efficiency of the border crossing. All the relevant parties and causeway authorities closely monitored the project.

Yusif Fakhro, managing director of YBYF, comments: "It took 15 days to complete the installation, including trench and foundation works, and cable laying as well as the installation of the cameras themselves."