Saudi Arabia

Project highlights

According to Suleiman Medeiheem, the following features of Durrat Arriyadh place in a class above other residential real estate projects in Riyadh:

  • Size - Covering an area of 9 million sq m, it will be the largest residential project in Riyadh to date. No other residential projects in Riyadh even come close to this size.

  • Greenery and water - Residents will find themselves in an 'oasis-like' environment in the middle of a dry city, with lots of greenery and water in the surroundings. No other residential complex in Riyadh provides this.

  • Recreational and entertainment facilities - The range of facilities available is very comprehensive and easily accessible.

  • Privacy - The perimeter wall of the compound and the elevated residential plot will give residents greater privacy - especially important to satisfy the conservative nature of the locals.

  • Security - The perimeter wall plus the round-the-clock security presence will provide greater security to its residents. Families with children will especially appreciate this feature.

  • Location - The compound is located only 27 km away from the city (North Ring Road). The transportation infrastructure in the area is well developed, allowing residents to commute to their offices easily and use this new property as their first home.

  • Exclusivity - This project will cater only to the high net-worth Saudis. Hence ownership of a property in this project may become a must-have for all wealthy locals.

  • Sports facilities - All the popular sports facilities will be available in the compound.

  • Equestrian club - Saudis' love for horses is well known. An equestrian club in the vicinity of the compound will certainly attract a large pool of horse-loving Saudis.