Germany-based formwork systems specialist Paschal-Werk G Maier says its BIM-capable PPL 11.0 software not only supports communication between project stakeholders by presenting planning results in 3D, but it also ensures that planning requirements are quickly and reliably implemented, even for complex projects.
PPL 11.0 is a product of Paschal Plan Light from planitec, the IT subsidiary of Paschal.
The new BIM-capable version PPL 11.0 allows formwork plans already available in DXF, DWG and IFC format to be imported directly into the formwork planning software.
If the DXF or DWG export files are of a high quality, the software can detect the walls on each layer, which are then automatically generated in 3D. Furthermore, the integrated IFC interface enables entire building models to be imported and immediately edited. A clear benefit here is the option of dividing the walls as well as the slabs into phases and using the system-independent H20 or filigree slab modules, says a spokesman for Paschal.
Citing an example of a satisfied client, the company says builders’ merchant Hahn Schalung has efficiently used the programme to streamline its communication with customers and planning.
According to Lothar Riebesell, an official responsible for formwork systems at Hahn Schalung, the requirements and scale of projects in formwork planning have increased considerably. In order to meet these demands, efficient and precise work preparation is absolutely essential nowadays, he says.
For formwork projects, Hahn sets great value on effective communication with customers, as well as planning certainty with the lowest possible planning expenses. As such, the use of appropriate software is of particular importance to the company, says Riebesell.
Hahn has been a long-standing trading partner of Paschal and offers its wall formwork systems in its rental park.
“Today, we import up to 95 per cent of our plans into PPL using the DXF interface. Automatically importing formwork plans has, therefore, become a prerequisite for us to be able to work effectively,” says Riebesell.
In addition to these partially automated processes and the sophisticated interface technology, communication with the customer during project planning is still a top priority for Riebesell. The 3D presentation of the planning results from PPL greatly helps to interact successfully with the customer.
“3D images allow us to see the important details more clearly. This makes communication easier with everyone involved in the project. It allows important details, such as the phases, to be clarified in advance and reduces the risk of time-consuming changes to the plans later on. Not only do we save time, but we also increase customer satisfaction,” Riebesell explains.
Hahn uses the 3D presentation of the formwork construction effectively even with more complex projects.
PPL 11.0 can also be used to create standard material lists for each phase with the required number of formwork panels and the necessary accessories. In addition to this function, planitec has programmed a customised report for Hahn to prepare offers automatically.
“We can use PPL 11.0 to create high-quality offers with material lists for each phase of the project, even for more complex projects, in a very short space of time. This not only considerably reduces our workload but also additional error sources,” Riebesell says.
Furthermore, the ‘Warehouse’ module in PPL 11.0 allows the user to query dynamically the material availability in the warehouse. This means that not only the current inventory is recorded, but all the inventory movements as well. For instance, if material is returned to the warehouse during the project, the formwork plans can be automatically adapted to the available formwork material.
Warehouse, therefore, allows clients to use the formwork inventory in an optimal way. The shortages list can also be used to quickly react to any bottlenecks and any missing material can be rented additionally, for example.
Riebesell is convinced the BIM-capable PPL 11.0 is a sustainable tool for formwork planning and he is looking forward to seeing what technical developments the future holds, particularly with regard to BIM and the IFC interface integrated in PPL 11.0.