The Central Agency for Public Tenders of Kuwait (CAPT) awarded 235 tenders worth a total of $5.9 billion last year covering several strategic sectors including energy, utility projects, health and education.

Of this, more than 20 per cent of the contracts (around 50) valued at $353.7 million were for electricity, water and renewable energy projects, reported Kuna, citing a senior CAPT official.

This was followed by contracts worth $364.6 million awarded through the Ministry of Health and then the Ministry of Education contracts valued at $103.2 million, stated Secretary-General Usama Al Duaij.

Other authorities which awarded sizeable contracts include the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources with $67.6 million deals;  followed by Kuwait University with 11 tenders worth $18.1 million; Kuwait Ports Authority with 10 tenders valued at $52.8 million; the Ministry of Public Works with nine contracts valued at $66 million; Kuwait Fire Force with nine tenders worth $37.9 million; the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training with nine tenders totalling $28 million; and Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) with eight contracts worth $3.9 million, he added.