Dulsco, an integrated solutions provider, recently commissioned its Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) plant, a first of its kind in the region, currently located within the Expo 2020 site in Dubai.
The waste-to-energy (WtE) plant has the capacity to process more than 70,000 tonnes of waste per annum – which is the equivalent of 7,000 garbage trucks diverted away from landfill.
The RDF plant treats waste to produce a refuse derived fuel product. The waste is pre-treated before being processed and the output product conveniently serves as a fuel feed to power the plant itself or is used by cement and other factories as an environment-friendly and more sustainable alternative to natural gas, it stated.
Dulsco CEO David Stockton said: “The WtE plant is an important addition to our collection of waste treatment facilities, as treating waste is an integral part of a sustainable waste management process. Expo 2020 was a great platform for us to utilise our state-of-the-art processing facility and expertise to treat waste, which helped us achieve 85 per cent waste diversion from landfill.”