The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) has cancelled its flagship event, LiftEx Bahrain amid global uncertainities due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The two-day event was due to kick off in Bahrain on March 21.
The LEEA is the leading representative body for all those involved in the lifting industry worldwide.
LEEA said the decision comes following discussions with its board members. “Whilst there has always been considerable interest in the event from both global and local vendors, it has become clear that – mostly for reasons due to the global pandemic – there is not enough commitment to make this a viable event at this current time,” stated LEEA.
LEEA remains fully committed to their membership in the Middle East, it added.
Moving forward, the LEEA board said it was looking forward to have a members meeting in Bahrain this year and a LiftEx Middle East in 2023, at a new location.
“LEEA and the lifting industry can look forward to the return of the LiftEx Exhibition in the UK, which will be held at P&J Live, Aberdeen, on October 5 to 6,” said a spokesman for the global body. The fourth annual LEEA Awards will also take place there in the evening of October 5.